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miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

Miley Cyrus turns 18 - allowing porn industry to release Cyrus-themed sex doll - which promptly sells out in 48 hours.


As with any teenaged singing sensation, there are the two major demographics: teen girls and their fathers. And looking to capitalize on the latter -- apart from a quick Google Image Search -- is a new sex toy from Pipedream Products: the Miley Cyrus Sex Doll.

Now 18 years of age, Miley is legally safe to be inducted into the inflatable sex industry -- although tastefully is a different matter.

According to the New York Daily News, the doll is "a buxom young woman who looks remarkably similar to Cyrus, holding a guitar and nearly exposing her privates." And don't you worry! For a mere $27.45, the doll promises "three achey love holes."

Ahhh, creepy.

But like her music ability, her sex dolls sold out almost immediately. Pipedream's Kevin Johnson told the Sun, "We are completely sold out already. It's been on the market for less than 48 hours."

He added, "We haven't received a cease and desist letter from her attorneys yet, but I have seen those rumors circling online. That probably means it will happen soon enough."

Well on the bright side, kudos to the lucky few who were able to nab one and become sexual predators in the privacy of their own basement.

And unless you include an iPod Nano into the scenario, there's little chance of ever having to hear her sing.


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