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sábado, 16 de julio de 2011

That horrible vice of masturbation has its risks ... but also its advantages.

If there is any human activity that really gets a bad press, that's masturbation.
Actually it's funny that something so practical, as we shall see, worth the attitude that most of society has to this activity. Because the mere fact of mentioning the word bother listening to more of a mortal, and being accused of practicing it is considered an insult, and worse, in vast areas of the planet.
Moreover, no readily recognize it, and one puts all their energy on leave as "horrible habit that only a few unsuccessful practice." Thus, we spend enormous energy and effort to leave the course vice. Of course it fails in the attempt, but try again. And fails again ... and so again and again.
Religion, society, family, everyone convicted since time immemorial and yet ... it's so terrible?

Some "small" side effects.
When you imagine the consequences that this practice would cause, our ancestors went to great lengths and shipped with everything: religious luminaries, scientists and charlatans of the day did not hesitate to assert that masturbation was guilty of seizure disorders, spinal damage , appearance of hair on the palms, acne, blindness, breast growth in men, enlarged clitoris in women and even dementia.
But they also ran a good, someone came up to say that enlarges the penis. (If it does not appear in any chronicle, it is to imagine the stampede occurred among those who heard this desperately searching for a lonely place to check).
As much criticism apparently was not enough, just in case the rated moralists also solitary vice, the supreme act of selfishness, gravely disordered act, self-abuse, shameful act, default source of sin and humbling, to name a few of the adjectives.
The question we then arises: Why so much unanimity insult to masturbation?
Diving into history we find that the psychotherapist Carmen Ricardo Manrique * goes back to the days when it was believed that sperm was formed by a legion of men microscopic. The role of women then was simply to provide a fertile ground for these little guys develop.
From this point of view, masturbation was not simply the killing of an enormous number of possible futures men, which seems at least a logical position for the time and a possible origin of the negative view we have of the subject.
However, time has past, science has advanced and these ideas are long gone but the sentences are still masturbation from the most conservative sectors of society, especially since much of the religious world and its poor image is deeply rooted in our society.

Let's talk numbers.
Funny how, despite all the propaganda we get from small antimasturbación likewise continue that practice even at the cost of doing so we generate a load of remorse for anything positive.
Because the truth is to be done, is hace.Y go if it's done!
The figures reveal that about 95% of men and 36% of women practice it, although in this case the figures may be much higher according to the study to consider. (It seems that women are more reluctant to admit it).
Furthermore, although masturbation is started and done most frequently in adolescence, is a practice that continues to age well under way, albeit with diminishing frequency, as can be imagined, as evidenced by Alfred Kinsey ***, among others.
In other words, almost all do for most of our lives. And walk not after suffering seizures, or with the palms hairy, nor women are out there carrying their huge clit, and men walk not fascinated with our hearts, with few exceptions of surgical origin.
This inevitably raises the suspicion that what we said was not entirely successful, do not you think?

In search of the lost object.
Now the question that arises is: has felt such rejection of masturbation? There are serious scientific evidence to support it?
In the following article will try to see the issue objectively and try to analyze both have aberrant and what is beneficial, immune to the problems that such activity can have on our conscience because of our religious convictions, and that happens by the faith of each and we have no authority or intention of questioning them.
The reality is that, like most things in this world, masturbation has its chiaroscuro, its good parts and bad thing.

Let us not go hand in hand (literally, in this case).
The first problem to mention is that not having too many requirements to be practiced, may be driven by our desires and begin to masturbate too often to the point it can become a habit addictive, as such, can isolate socially, with the complications that this entails.
So, masturbation in an abusive way can lead us to accustom your body to a particular type of excitation, which can make it difficult to orgasm when the excited mode varies.
The fact get used to a certain speed, pressure or posture can lead in extreme cases when we should partner played in our brain is unable to process this excitation mode, or it is not sufficient.
At this point we would be very difficult if not impossible, to reach orgasm.
The way to prevent this, in addition to not overdo it makes the frequency is to vary the technique masturbation, which will also help us open our minds by forcing us to imagine alternatives.

And now the good part.
Now, change the face, because not all bad, there are some plus points. And there are few.
The first thing we mention is that masturbation in women, and to a lesser extent men, self-exams allow us to discover what our erogenous zones and how and to what extent excite. Find out what we like and what not, is of enormous importance, and allow us to improve our relationship, we can guide your partner by the roads that lead us to better orgasm.
For men, this also allows us to identify the moments before ejaculation momentum, which we can learn to manage and prolong the sexual act.
Moreover masturbation is an important resource that our body to get rid of small frustrations and tensions that everyday life leads us, which otherwise would accumulate in our minds (the dreaded stress) ending to undermine our health. It is not abnormal before a setback, however small, will surprise us the desire to masturbate. This is not a perversion we have is simply a defense mechanism.
Also, more than one case masturbate a while before you have become an effective way to prevent premature ejaculation, allowing us to have a rather long time to enjoy sex with a partner, and if not have a partner, is a great way to download the accumulated sexual tension, avoiding that stress affects our daily lives and we get into trouble.
In the case of women also brings masturbation muscle relaxation can help relieve menstrual pain.
As if all this were not enough, a 2002 study by the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society depends on the La Trobe University in Melbourne, to conclude that more or less frequently ejaculate in either sex or through masturbation is beneficial for the prevention of prostate cancer because the semen makes a cleaning function, dragging hazardous waste substances.
The study was conducted among more than 2,000 men, about half of whom had prostate cancer. The results revealed that the number of cases decreased among those who had more ejaculations between 20 and 50 years .**
Anyway, this study has not yet been fully accepted and has yet to be extended and ratified, but a first indication of something that can change the view we had of things.
Well, you see, after all this we can only conclude that masturbation is not harmful or unnatural.
The pros far outnumber the cons, and while it should always consider them because they can cause complications in our life together, the balance is highly favorable, so from now can go to tell all world with infinite pride how much you masturbate ...
Or I will not dare say that ...?

Original source in Spanish

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