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miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011

The human number is going to be born in a couple of days

The billion-mark was reached only after 1800 AD. When Jesus was born, there are thought to have been around 300 million people on earth.

In the days ahead, a baby will be born who will take the global population above 7 billion for the first time, and in all probability that birth will take place in China or India, the two countries with more than a billion inhabitants.

No one is sure. There may already be 7 billion passengers on spaceship earth, as no statistician would be prepared to say exactly when this event of largely symbolic significance takes place.

The United Nations has fixed October 31 as the date of the fateful birth, but events have so often proved demographers wrong in the past that the expectation is that it will be sooner rather than later The rate of population growth has soared over the course of recorded history: When Jesus was born, there are thought to have been around 300 million people on earth.

The billion-mark was reached only after 1800. As many as a billion have been added in the eleven years of the 21st century alone, and predictions on future population growth are now treated with the same caution and scepticism as long-range weather forecasts.

David Bloom of the Harvard School of Public Health says that the multitude of unpredictable factors means that taking a global view is problematic.

“Among them are infectious diseases, war, scientific progress, political change and our capacity for global cooperation,” he says.

The general expectation is, however, that population growth will tail off, with U.N. predictions for 2050 ranging from 8.0 to 10.5 billion.

What is clear is that the proportions will shift between the continents, driven by high birth rates in Asia and Africa. Soon India, with 1.2 billion currently, will take the lead from China, with 1.3 billion, as the world’s most populous nation.

Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country today with 162 million, will see its population increase to almost 750 million by the middle of the century.

Another example: highly industrialised Germany and developing Ethiopia each have a little more than 80 million people. In another 40 years, there will probably be 174 million Ethiopians, while Germany’s population will decline to 72 million.

And the industrialised world is ageing rapidly.

This also means that relations of political power will change.

Countries like China, India and Brazil, with its 193 million people, are already growing in political influence.

This has led European leaders, like German Chancellor Angela Merkel, to warn that “in a world of 7 billion people, we 500 million Europeans will have to stick together,” or European prosperity and values will both go down the drain.

The sheer weight of numbers means increasing pressure on land, food and energy sources, and there are increasing fears of a struggle for resources. Many believe that there will be wars between neighbouring countries over water.

The environmental organisation WWF estimates that three planets will be needed by 2050 if we do not change our habits.

“In the next 40 years we will have to produce the same amount of food as over the last 8,000 years,” the WWF’s Jason Clay believes. He notes that far too much is still thrown away in the industrialised world.

The optimists note that there have been repeated apocalyptic warnings of impending doom resulting from population growth, although they have not yet been realised.

In fact, technical and medical achievements have often led to a more positive outcome than that feared - not only as a result of the Pill and condom, but also through agricultural improvements.

And even the current population mark being passed takes on a new perspective when compared with the number of people the earth has played host to over the course of human history.

It is estimated that since Homo sapiens first appeared, there have been more than 100 billion of our kind - against which the current 7 billion should be set.

Source: The Hindu

Boy who was killed by a full hour one year of life

A British man whose heart and lung paparam working for almost an hour when he was weeks old just one year. Shortly after birth, Alfie Davies, stopped breathing and was taken to the incubator, there he came to complete 21 days of life, but had complications

After a serious operation to repair his paralyzed diaphragm, the baby suffered a heart for. His breathing and heart paparam for almost an hour, during which doctors were still trying to bring him back to life. The information is from the Daily Mail.

Alfie is the youngest person in Britain to undergo an operation to close the diaphragm. The boy was operated on twice and survived after the tear points during resuscitation. No information is Alfie got a sequel.

Fuente: Earth

Boy, ki je bil ubit s polno uro eno leto življenja

Britanski moški, katerega srce in pljuča paparam delajo za skoraj eno uro, ko je bil tednov star le eno leto. Kmalu po rojstvu, Alfie Davies, prenehal dihati in je bila sprejeta v inkubator, tam je prišel za dokončanje 21 dni življenja, vendar je zaplete

Po resno operacijo popraviti svojo paralizirano trebušne prepone, dojenček utrpel za srce. Njegovo dihanje in srčni paparam za skoraj uro, med katerim so se zdravniki še vedno poskuša, da ga pripelje nazaj v življenje. Informacije so iz Daily Mail.

Alfie je najmlajša oseba v Veliki Britaniji, da opravijo operacijo, da zaprete prepone.Deček je deloval na dvakrat in preživela po solza točk med oživljanjem. Ni podatkov Alfie dobil nadaljevanje.

Fuente: Earth

Jongen die werd gedood door een vol uur een jaar van het leven

Een Britse man wiens hart en longen paparam werken voor bijna een uur toen hij weken oud slechts een jaar. Kort na de geboorte, Alfie Davies, ademhaling gestopt en werd meegenomen naar de couveuse, daar kwam hij tot 21 dagen van het leven te voltooien, maar had complicaties

Na een zware operatie aan zijn verlamde middenrif te herstellen, de baby leed een hart voor. Zijn ademhaling en hart paparam voor bijna een uur, waarin artsen waren nog steeds bezig om hem terug te brengen tot leven. De informatie is afkomstig van de Daily Mail.

Alfie is de jongste persoon in Groot-Brittannië een operatie moet ondergaan om het diafragma te sluiten. De jongen werd twee keer geopereerd en overleefde na de scheur punten tijdens reanimatie. Er is geen informatie Alfie kreeg een vervolg.

Fuente: Earth

Poiss kes tappis täistunnil ühe aasta elust

Briti mees, kelle südame ja kopsude paparam töötavad peaaegu tund aega, kui ta oli nädala vanune vaid ühe aastaga. Vahetult pärast sündi, Alfie Davies, peatus hingamine ja viidi inkubaator, seal ta tuli täielik 21 päeva elu, kuid komplikatsioonid

Pärast rasket operatsiooni remondi oma halvatud diafragma, laps kandis südames. Tema hingamine ja südame paparam ligi tund, mille käigus arstid olid endiselt püüame tuua ta tagasi elule.Teave on pärit Daily Mail.

Alfie on noorim inimene Suurbritannias läbima operatsiooni sulgeda diafragma. Poiss oli tegutsenud kaks korda ja elas pärast pisar punktides ajal hingamist. Puuduvad andmed Alfie sai järge.

Fuente: Maa

Menino que ficou morto por uma hora completa um ano de vida

Um britânico cujo o coração e pulmão paparam de funcionar por quase uma hora quando ele tinha semanas de idade acabou de completar um ano. Logo após nascer, Alfie Davies, parou de respirar e foi levado para a incubadora, lá ele chegou a completar 21 dias de vida, mas teve complicações

Após uma séria operação para reparar seu diafragma paralisado, o bebê sofreu uma para cardíaca. Sua respiração, e coração paparam por quase uma hora, tempo em que os médicos continuavam tentando trazê-lo de volta a vida. As informações são do jornal Daily Mail.

Alfie é a pessoa mais jovem no Reino Unido a passar por uma operação para fechar o diafragma. O jovem foi operado duas vezes e sobreviveu após os pontos rasgarem durante a reanimação. Não há informações se Alfie ficou com alguma sequela.

Fuente: Terra

UN Committee authorizes England to unfreeze Libyan assets

The UN sanctions committee to Libya gave the green light on Tuesday to England thaw $ 1.6 billion in assets in that country to finance relief, after China withdrew its blockade as, diplomats .
Germany also requested the unfreezing of nearly 1 billion euros (1.4 billion U.S. dollars) in assets seized, and France wants to thaw about 5 billion euros (7.2 billion U.S. dollars) to help in the purchase of humanitarian aid and maintain essential services in Libya. But it was not clear whether these countries will also receive permission to do so.
The mission of China to the UN, a key member of the sanctions committee of the Security Council, withdrew its blockade of the British initiative after receiving approval of the Beijing government, diplomats.
The money saved in England the sum of 1.86 billion dinars in banknotes printed by a British company.
British Foreign Secretary William Hague has welcomed the decision to allow his government to send back to the central bank of Libya 200 million banknotes.
"This represents another important step for the need to send assistance to the Libyan people, representing a major breakthrough," Hague said in a statement.
"These notes, which were frozen in England on behalf of UN sanctions, will help provide urgent humanitarian assistance, and give confidence to the banking sector, pay public sector salaries and inject liquidity into the economy."
The United States received permission to send about 1.5 billion dollars in frozen assets back to Libya last week after a dispute with South Africa on whether to loosen the UN sanctions meant to recognize the rebel government of Libya, fighting against Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.

Fuente: AFP

संयुक्त राष्ट्र की समिति ने इंग्लैंड को अधिकृत करने के लिए लीबिया संपत्ति नरम कर देना

संयुक्त राष्ट्र के प्रतिबंधों लीबिया को समिति ने मंगलवार को हरी बत्ती दे दी है कि को राहत वित्त देश इंग्लैंड में पिघलना करने के लिए 1.6 अरब डॉलर की संपत्ति, के बाद चीन के रूप में राजनयिकों, इसके नाकाबंदी वापस ले लिया .
जर्मनी भी जब्त संपत्ति में लगभग 1 अरब यूरो (1,4 अरब अमरीकी डॉलर) का unfreezing अनुरोध किया है, और फ्रांस करने के बारे में 5 अरब यूरो (7.2 अरब अमरीकी डॉलर) पिघलना करने के लिए मानवीय सहायता की खरीद करने में मदद करना चाहता है और लीबिया में आवश्यक सेवाओं को बनाए रखने. लेकिन यह स्पष्ट नहीं है कि इन देशों को भी ऐसा करने की अनुमति प्राप्त होगा नहीं था.
चीन के संयुक्त राष्ट्र सुरक्षा परिषद के प्रतिबंधों समिति के एक प्रमुख सदस्य है, को मिशन बीजिंग सरकार, राजनयिकों का अनुमोदन प्राप्त करने के बाद अंग्रेजों ने पहल की अपनी नाकाबंदी वापस ले लिया.
इंग्लैंड में बचाया पैसा पैसों में 1860000000 दिनार की राशि एक ब्रिटिश कंपनी द्वारा मुद्रित.
ब्रिटिश विदेश मंत्री विलियम हेग के लिए उनकी सरकार को वापस लीबिया बीस करोड़ पैसों के केंद्रीय बैंक को भेजने के लिए अनुमति निर्णय का स्वागत किया है.
"यह करने के लिए लीबिया के लोग, एक बड़ी सफलता का प्रतिनिधित्व करने के लिए सहायता भेजने की जरूरत के लिए एक और महत्वपूर्ण कदम का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है" द हेग एक बयान में कहा.
"ये नोट्स, जो इंग्लैंड में संयुक्त राष्ट्र के प्रतिबंधों की ओर से जमे हुए थे तत्काल मानवीय सहायता प्रदान करने में मदद करेगा, और बैंकिंग क्षेत्र के लिए आत्मविश्वास देने के लिए, सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के वेतन का भुगतान और अर्थव्यवस्था में तरलता इंजेक्षन."
संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका पिछले सप्ताह दक्षिण अफ्रीका के साथ एक पर विवाद के बाद से स्थिर संपत्ति में लगभग 1.5 अरब डालर लीबिया को वापस भेजने की अनुमति है कि क्या संयुक्त राष्ट्र में लीबिया की विद्रोही सरकार को पहचान मतलब प्रतिबंधों को ढीला करने के लिए प्राप्त किया, कर्नल मुअम्मर गद्दाफी के खिलाफ लड़ रहे थे.

Fuente: एएफपी




لجنة الأمم المتحدة يخول انكلترا لتجميد الأصول الليبية

أعطت لجنة العقوبات للامم المتحدة الى ليبيا على الضوء الاخضر يوم الثلاثاء لذوبان الجليد انكلترا 1.6 مليار دولار في الأصول في هذا البلد لتمويل الإغاثة ، وانسحبت بعد الصين وحصارها ، والدبلوماسيين .
ألمانيا طلبت أيضا إلى الإفراج عن ما يقرب من 1 مليار يورو (1.4 مليار دولار امريكى) فى الأصول المصادرة ، وفرنسا تريد أن تحسن نحو 5 مليارات يورو (7.2 مليار دولار امريكى) للمساعدة في شراء المساعدات الإنسانية والحفاظ على الخدمات الأساسية في ليبيا. ولكن لم يكن واضحا ما إذا كانت هذه البلدان سوف تتلقى أيضا الإذن للقيام بذلك.
انسحبت بعثة للصين لدى الأمم المتحدة ، وهي عضو رئيسي في لجنة العقوبات في مجلس الأمن ، وحصارها من المبادرة البريطانية بعد الحصول على موافقة حكومة بكين ، والدبلوماسيين.
حفظ المال في انكلترا مجموع نسبته 1.86 مليار دينار في الأوراق النقدية المطبوعة من قبل شركة بريطانية.
وقد رحب وزير الخارجية البريطاني وليام هيج قرار حكومته السماح لإرسال مرة أخرى إلى البنك المركزي من الأوراق النقدية 200000000 ليبيا.
"وهذا يمثل خطوة هامة أخرى للحاجة الى ارسال مساعدات للشعب الليبي ، وهو ما يمثل تقدما كبيرا" ، وقال لاهاي في بيان.
"وستكون هذه الملاحظات ، التي كانت مجمدة في انكلترا نيابة عن عقوبات الامم المتحدة ، تساعد على توفير المساعدات الإنسانية العاجلة ، ومنح الثقة للقطاع المصرفي ، ودفع رواتب موظفي القطاع العام وضخ السيولة في الاقتصاد."
تلقت الولايات المتحدة اذنا بارسال حوالي 1.5 مليار دولار من الاصول المجمدة والعودة الى ليبيا الاسبوع الماضي بعد خلاف مع جنوب افريقيا بشأن تخفيف عقوبات الامم المتحدة تهدف الى الاعتراف بالحكومة المتمردين في ليبيا ، القتال ضد العقيد معمر القذافي.

فوينتى : AFP

Beauty and the beast

domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

"Two and a Half Men" will have a gay version

According to review the website, TV and Letters, the new version of the series tells the story of a gay couple who have an adopted son.

The success of the new season of the American series "Two and a Half Men" remains a big question for many, after Warner Bros decided to switch to one of its main protagonists, Charlie Sheen, due to the multiple conflicts that arose between the actor and producer.

According to the publication, this time the famous series, also have a homosexual theme, based on the same principle: two men who live together and raise a child, but this time it will be a gay couple with an adopted child.

Although so far no one knows the name of the program, there were strong rumors that actor Sean Hayes will be the 41-year-old who plays one of the representatives of the gay couple.

Hayes participated in the series "Will & Grace," which also gave life to an extrovert and hyper homosexual.

Similarly, the publication points out that comedy, to be broadcast by U.S. television network NBC, is a product of the creators Peter Tolan and Michael Wimer, who seek to make competition the series involving the Colombian Sofía Vergara, 'Modern Family ', which also tells the story of a couple of men who raise a child.

Usain Bolt's disqualification of the World Cup

Usain Bolt confirmed that it has a unique ability to amaze in the major events of athletics. This time, however, what he did was anything but high and very clumsy.

In an unlikely error for an athlete of his class, Bolt made a false start in the final 100 meters of the world championships. Yes, the man who has dominated the pure speed in the last three years was disqualified for leaving early.

There is a new king of speed. Yohan Blake called his Jamaican compatriot and training partner with a mark of 9.92 seconds was the only one of the finalists down to 10.
Bolt shatter his ambition was a third consecutive gold treble, after his sensational exbiciones the Beijing Olympics and the World Cup in Berlin, where he broke the world record of 100 and 200.
Those performances made him a star status in global sport, magnified by his charisma.
"Want to cry?" Asked Bolt. "Forget that's not going to happen."
There was no lightning silhouette whose personal stamp upon their successes. Nor could he show her radiant smile. No dancing.
The Bolt the astonished spectators witnessed was a petulant South Koreans to an unthinkable outcome. The 25-year risueñor removed his shirt and slammed against the track. In addition, he left with his hands over his head and hitting him to the wall blue.
His mistake was unobjectionable as out of the blocks even when the gun sounded.
What happened obviously turn the debate on the regulation of false starts, after the International Federation in 2009 ordered the first offense means automatic disqualification.
Amid the confusion, had to run a race and Blake was the winner with a record that paled compared to the world record of 9.58 Bolt.
"I could not believe it had taken. How can Usain get?" Said Dix, the American who took the silver medal with a 10.08.
Kim Collins, the sprinter 35 years of Saint Kitts and Nevis in 2003 was crowned the World Cup in Paris, completed the podium with 10.09.
Sidereal time were slow to the race of the championship summit, and the truth is that it was only mediocre in a day with an abundance of mediocrity.
The winners of the decathlon long jump and women devoted themselves with the worst records in the history of the world.
It was also the day that ended the reign of Kenenisa Bekele in the 10,000 meters. His abandonment mid-career derailed his dream of a fifth straight title.
But it was a historic day for Colombia, as the bronze Luis Fernando Lopez on the 20-kilometer march marked the country's first medal at a World Cup.
"This shows that our country does not move with the monopoly of a single sport," Lopez said in a criticism of the popularity of soccer in their country.
Lopez climbed the podium as a company of 1-2 Russian Valeriy Borchin and Vladimir Kanaykin. Borchin successfully defended his crown with a time of 1:19.56. Lopez came to 42 seconds behind the winner.
Cuba also took the podium for the first time thanks to the bronze won by Leonel Suarez in the decathlon and Yarelis Barrios in the discus throw
United States won its first two titles, both by defending champion Trey Hardee in the decathlon and Brittney Reese in the long jump.
The definition of 10,000 was exciting when the Ethiopian Jeil Ibrahim Mo Farah moved to Britain to become the successor to compatriot Bekele on the throne.
The other title of the day was that China's Li Yanfeng obtained in the disk.
Also highlighted the progress of the South African Oscar Pistorius, competing with a prosthetic carbon fiber that serve as legs amputated as a baby-the semifinals of the 400 meters. It was a historic moment in the world by becoming the first Paralympic compete in a fair size.
And everything seems to go from strength to strength so that there can be a Monday final of the 110-meter hurdles with the three fastest men in history: the Cuban Dayron Robles, Liu Xiang Chinese and American David Oliver advanced to the semifinals .

يوسين بولت تنحية لكأس العالم

وأكد بولت أن لديها قدرة فريدة على تدهش في الأحداث الكبرى لألعاب القوى. هذه المرة ، ومع ذلك ، كان ما فعله أي شيء ولكنها مرتفعة جدا والخرقاء.

في خطأ وارد لأحد الرياضيين من طبقته ، أدلى بولت بداية خاطئة في سباق 100 متر النهائي لبطولة العالم. نعم ، كان قد استبعد الرجل الذي كان يهيمن على سرعة النقي في السنوات الثلاث الماضية لترك في وقت مبكر.

هناك ملك جديد من السرعة. دعا يوهان بليك ومواطنه الجامايكي شريك التدريب مع علامة من 9.92 ثانية وكان الوحيد من بين المرشحين الى 10.
وكان بولت يحطم طموحه الثالث على التوالي بثلاثية الذهب ، وبعد exbiciones له المثيرة اولمبياد بكين وكأس العالم في برلين ، حيث حطم الرقم القياسي العالمي في 100 و 200.
قدمت تلك العروض له نجما في الرياضة العالمية ، تضخمت بسبب الكاريزما التي يتمتع بها.
"هل تريد أن تبكي؟" وردا على سؤال بولت. "انسوا هذا لن يحدث".
لم يكن هناك أي صورة ظلية البرق الذي ختم الشخصية على نجاحاتهم. ولا يمكن ان تظهر ابتسامتها المشعة. ليس الرقص.
كان بولت المشاهدين بالدهشة شهد جنوب الفظ الكوريين إلى هذه النتيجة لا يمكن تصوره. إزالة risueñor 25 عاما قميصه وسقط على أرض الحلبة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، غادر ويداه على رأسه وضربه في الحائط الأزرق.
وكان خطأه لا يمكن الاعتراض عليها كما وردت من الكتل حتى عندما بدا البندقية.
ومن الواضح أن ما حدث تحول النقاش بشأن تنظيم البدايات الخاطئة ، بعد الاتحاد الدولي في عام 2009 أمر الجرم الأول يعني تنحية التلقائي.
وسط هذه البلبلة ، وكان سباقا لتشغيل وبليك كان الفائز مع السجل الذي باهتة بالمقارنة مع الرقم القياسي العالمي من 9.58 بولت.
"لم أستطع أن أصدق أنها اتخذت كيف يمكن الحصول على يوسين؟" سعيد ديكس ، والاميركي الذين سيطروا على الميدالية الفضية مع 10.08.
وكان كيم كولينز من 35 سنة من العداء سانت كيتس ونيفيس في عام 2003 توج بكأس العالم في باريس ، والانتهاء من المنصة مع 10.09.
وكانت بطيئة في وقت فلكية السباق للقمة البطولة ، والحقيقة هي أنه كان متواضعا في يوم واحد فقط مع وفرة من الرداءة.
كرست الفائزين في مسابقة العشاري الوثب الطويل والنساء أنفسهن مع أسوأ السجلات في تاريخ العالم.
كان أيضا في اليوم الذي انتهى عهد كينينيسا بيكيلي في سباق 10،000. تخليه عن مساره الوظيفي منتصف حلمه باللقب الخامس على التوالي.
ولكنه كان يوما تاريخيا بالنسبة لكولومبيا ، وعلى الميدالية البرونزية لويس فرناندو لوبيز على مسيرة 20 كيلومترا الميدالية ملحوظ في البلاد للمرة الاولى في نهائيات كأس العالم.
"وهذا يدل على أن بلدنا لا تتحرك مع حكرا على الرياضة واحد" ، وقال لوبيز في انتقاد لشعبية كرة القدم في بلادهم.
صعد المنصة لوبيز كشركة 1-2 Borchin فاليري الروسي فلاديمير Kanaykin و. Borchin دافع بنجاح عن تاجه في زمن قدره 1:19.56. جاءت لوبيز الى 42 ثانية خلف الفائز.
كما اتخذت كوبا المنصة للمرة الأولى بفضل الميدالية البرونزية التي فاز بها ليونيل سواريز في مسابقة العشاري وباريوس Yarelis في رمي
فازت الولايات المتحدة أول لقبين ، سواء عن طريق الدفاع عن اللقب تراي هارديز في مسابقة العشاري وبريتني ريس في الوثب الطويل.
تم تعريف 10000 مثيرة عندما الاثيوبية Jeil محمد إبراهيم فرح انتقلت إلى بريطانيا ليصبح خلفا لمواطنه بيكيلي على العرش.
وكان العنوان الآخر من اليوم ان الصين لى يان فنغ تم الحصول عليها في القرص.
سلط الضوء أيضا على التقدم المحرز في جنوب أوسكار بيستوريوس الأفريقية ، وتنافس مع ألياف الكربون الاصطناعية التي تكون بمثابة بتر ساقيه باعتبارها نصف النهائي الرضيع ، من 400 متر. كانت لحظة تاريخية في العالم قبل أن يصبح للمعاقين first المنافسة في حجم العادلة.
ويبدو أن كل شيء من قوة الى قوة بحيث لا يمكن أن يكون نهائيا يوم الاثنين من سباق 110 متر حواجز للرجال الثلاثة الأسرع في تاريخ : الكوبي دايرون روبلس ، وليو شيانغ الصينية والأميركية ديفيد اوليفر متقدمة لنصف النهائي .

Усэйн Болт дисквалификации Кубка мира

Усэйн Болт подтвердил, что он обладает уникальной способностью поражать в крупных мероприятий по легкой атлетике. На этот раз, однако, что он делал, было ничего, кроме высокого и очень неуклюже.

В вряд ли ошибка для спортсмена в своем классе, Болт сделал фальстарт в финале 100 метров на чемпионате мира. Да, человек, который доминировал в чистой скорости в последние три года был дисквалифицирован за выходя рано.

Существует нового короля скорости. Йохан Блэйк назвал свой ямайский соотечественник и партнер обучение с отметки 9,92 секунды был лишь одним из финалистов до 10.
Болт разрушить его амбиции был третий золотой высоких частот, после его сенсационного exbiciones Пекинской Олимпиаде и чемпионате мира в Берлине, где он побил мировой рекорд в 100 и 200.
Эти выступления заставили его звездный статус в мировом спорте, увеличен его харизма.
"Хотите плакать?" Задаваемые Bolt. "Забудьте, что это не произойдет."
Существовал нет молнии силуэт, чья личная печать на их успехи. Не мог он показать ей лучезарной улыбкой. Не разрешается танцевать.
Болт изумленных зрителей стали свидетелями был раздражительным южнокорейцев к немыслимым результатом. 25-летний risueñor снял рубашку и бросил на дорожку. Кроме того, он уехал со своей руки над головой и ударил его к стене, синий.
Его ошибка заключалась не вызывает возражений, как из блоков, даже если ружье звучало.
То, что произошло, очевидно, свою очередь, дискуссия о регулировании фальстартов, после того, Международная федерация в 2009 году приказал первое нарушение означает, что автоматическая дисквалификация.
Среди путаницы, приходилось бежать наперегонки и Блейк был победителем с записью, что побледнел по сравнению с мировой рекорд 9,58 Болт.
"Я не мог поверить, она приняла. Усэйн Как получить?" Саид Дикс, американец, который взял серебряную медаль с 10,08.
Ким Коллинз, спринтер 35 лет Сент-Китс и Невис в 2003 году был коронован Кубка мира в Париже, закончил подиум с 10.09.
Звездное время не спешили раса чемпионата высшем уровне, и на самом деле это был только посредственным в день с обилием посредственности.
Победители десятиборье прыжки в длину и женщины посвятили себя с худшей записей в истории мира.
Было также день, когда закончилась правления Кенениса Бекеле в 10000 метров. Его отказ в середине карьеры откос свою мечту пятый подряд титул.
Но это был исторический день для Колумбии, а бронза Луис Фернандо Лопес на 20-километровый марш отмечена первая медаль страны на чемпионате мира.
"Это показывает, что наша страна не двигается с монополией одной спорта", Лопес заявил в критике популярность футбола в своей стране.
Лопес поднялась на подиум в качестве компании в 1-2 Русской Валерий Borchin и Владимир Kanaykin. Borchin успешно защитил свою корону со временем 1:19.56. Лопес приехал в 42 секундах позади победителя.
Куба также поднялся на трибуну для первого время благодаря бронзовой выиграл Леонель Суарес в десятиборье и Yarelis Барриос в метании диска
США выиграли свои первые два титула, как действующий чемпион Трей Харди в десятиборье и Бритни Риз в прыжках в длину.
Определение 10000 было интересно, когда эфиопские Джейл Ибрахим Мо Фарах переехал в Великобританию, чтобы стать преемником соотечественник Бекеле на троне.
Другое название этого дня было то, что Китай Li Yanfeng полученные в диск.
Кроме того, отметила прогресс, Южно-Африканской Оскар Писториус, соревнуясь с волокном углерода протезы, которые служат ноги ампутированы как детские полуфинале 400 метров. Это был исторический момент в мире, став первым Паралимпийских конкурировать на справедливых размеров.
И все, кажется, идет от силы в силу, так что не может быть понедельник финале 110-метровой препятствия с тремя мужчинами быстрый в истории: кубинский Дайрон Роблес, Лю Сян китайских и американец Дэвид Оливер вышла в полуфинал .

Chelsea destroyed Norwich

JUAN MATA toasted his debut with a late goal as Chelsea saw off ten-man Norwich.
The £26million superstar came off the bench to score after 101 MINUTES to help the Blues sink Paul Lambert's men.

Jose Bosingwa's thunderbolt broke the deadlock just six minutes in but Grant Holt squared it up after the break.

Didier Drogba then suffered a sickening injury after a mid-air collision with Canaries keeper John Ruddy.

The Stamford Bridge striker was out cold and medics took seven minutes to get him off the pitch.

Norwich looked to be holding firm but Ruddy clattered Ramires in the box with eight minutes to go.

The Carrow Road keeper was given his marching orders and Lampard slotted home from the spot.

Incredibly, Chelsea were not finished and there was still time for Mata to make it 3-1 with a goal ELEVEN minutes into injury time.

Maria Fowler naked!

Well, almost, and with some imagination!

domingo, 21 de agosto de 2011

Rebels controls Tripoli: GADDAFI'S SON CAPTURED

TRIPOLI, Libya -- Euphoric Libyan rebels raced into the capital Tripoli on Sunday and moved close to center with little resistance as Moammar Gadhafi's defenses collapsed and his regime appeared to be crumbling fast.

Associated Press reporters with the rebels said they moved easily from the western outskirts into the regime stronghold in a dramatic turning of the tides in the 6-month-old Libyan civil war. A rebel leader said the unit in charge of protecting Gadhafi and Tripoli had surrendered and joined the revolt, allowing the opposition force to move in freely.

"They will enter Green Square tonight, God willing," said Mohammed al-Zawi, a 30-year-old rebel who entered Tripoli. Green Square has been the site of night rallies by Gadhafi supporters throughout the uprising.

Earlier in the day, the rebels overran a major military base defending the capital, carted away truckloads of weapons and raced to Tripoli with virtually no resistance.

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Gadhafi's whereabouts were unknown. But he delivered a series of angry and defiant audio messages broadcast on state television. He was not shown in the messages. In the latest one, he acknowledged that the opposition forces were moving into Tripoli and warned the city would be turned into another Baghdad.

"How come you allow Tripoli the capital, to be under occupation once again?" he said. "The traitors are paving the way for the occupation forces to be deployed in Tripoli."

He called on his supporters to march in the streets of the capital and "purify it" from "the rats."

Opposition leaders at one point claimed Gadhafi's son and one-time heir apparent, Seif al-Islam, had been arrested, but they later backtracked and said this was not yet confirmed.

The rebels' surprising and speedy leap forward, after six months of largely deadlocked civil war, was packed into just a few dramatic hours. By nightfall, they had advanced more than 20 miles to Tripoli.

Thousands of jubilant civilians rushed out of their homes to cheer the long convoys of pickup trucks packed with rebel fighters shooting in the air. Some of the fighters were hoarse, shouting: "We are coming for you, frizz-head," a mocking nickname for Gadhafi. In villages along the way that fell to the rebels one after another, mosque loudspeakers blared "Allahu Akbar," or "God is great."

"We are going to sacrifice our lives for freedom," said Nabil al-Ghowail, a 30-year-old dentist holding a rifle in the streets of Janzour, a suburb just six miles west of Tripoli. Heavy gunfire erupted nearby.

As town after town fell and Gadhafi forces disappeared, the mood turned euphoric. Some shouted: "We are getting to Tripoli tonight." Others were shooting in the air, honking horns and yelling "Allahu Akbar."

Once they reached Tripoli, the rebels took control of one neighborhood, Ghot Shaal, on the western edge of the city. They set up checkpoints as a convoy of more than 10 trucks rolled in.

The rebels moved on to the neighborhood of Girgash, about a mile and a half from Green Square. They said they came under fire from a sniper on a rooftop in the neighborhood.

Sidiq al-Kibir, the rebel leadership council's representative for the capital Tripoli, confirmed the arrest of Seif al-Islam to the AP but did not give any further details.

Inside Tripoli, widespread clashes erupted for a second day between rebel "sleeper cells" and Gadhafi loyalists. Rebels fighter who spoke to relatives in Tripoli by phone said hundreds rushed into the streets in anti-regime protests in several neighborhoods.

The day's first breakthrough came when hundreds of rebels fought their way into a major symbol of the Gadhafi regime – the base of the elite 32nd Brigade commanded by Gadhafi's son, Khamis. Fighters said they met with little resistance. They were 16 miles from the big prize, Tripoli.

Hundreds of rebels cheered wildly and danced as they took over the compound filled with eucalyptus trees, raising their tricolor from the front gate and tearing down a large billboard of Gadhafi.

Inside, they cracked open wooden crates labeled "Libyan Armed Forces" and loaded their trucks with huge quantities of munitions. One of the rebels carried off a tube of grenades, while another carted off two mortars.

"This is the wealth of the Libyan people that he was using against us," said Ahmed al-Ajdal, 27, pointing to his haul. "Now we will use it against him and any other dictator who goes against the Libyan people."

One group started up a tank, drove it out of the gate, crushing the median of the main highway and driving off toward Tripoli. Rebels celebrated the capture with deafening amounts of celebratory gunfire, filling the air with smoke.

Across the street, rebels raided a huge warehouse, making off with hundreds of crates of rockets, artillery shells and large-caliber ammunition. The warehouse had once been using to storage packaged foods, and in the back, cans of beans were still stacked toward the ceiling.

They freed several hundred prisoners from a regime lockup. The fighters and the prisoners – many looking weak and dazed and showing scars and bruises from beatings – embraced and wept with joy.

The prisoners had been held in the walled compound and when the rebels rushed in, they freed more than 300 of them.

"We were sitting in our cells when all of a sudden we heard lots of gunfire and people yelling 'Allahu Akbar.' We didn't know what was happening, and then we saw rebels running in and saying 'We're on your side.' And they let us out," said 23-year-old Majid al-Hodeiri from Zawiya. He said he was captured four months ago by Gadhafi's forces and taken to base. He said he was beaten and tortured while under detention.

Many of the prisoners looked disoriented as they stopped at a gathering place for fighters several miles away from the base. Some had signs of severe beatings. Others were dressed in tattered T-shirts or barefoot. Rebels fighters and prisoners embraced.

From the military base, the convoy sped toward the capital.

Mahmoud al-Ghwei, 20 and unarmed, said he had just came along with a friend for the ride .

"It's a great feeling. For all these years, we wanted freedom and Gadhafi kept it from us. Now we're going to get rid of Gadhafi and get our freedom," he said.

At nightfall, the fighters reached Janzour, a Tripoli suburb. Along the way, they were greeted by civilians lining the streets and waving rebel flags. One man grabbed a rebel flag that had been draped over the hood of a slow-moving car and kissed it, overcome with emotion.

"We are not going back," said Issam Wallani, another rebel. "God willing, this evening we will enter Tripoli."

The uprising against Gadhafi broke out in mid-February, and anti-regime protests quickly spread across the vast desert nation with only 6 million people. A brutal regime crackdown quickly transformed the protests into an armed rebellion. Rebels seized Libya's east, setting up an internationally recognized transitional government there, and two pockets in the west, the port city of Misrata and the Nafusa mountain range.

Gadhafi clung to the remaining territory, and his forces failed to subdue the rebellion in Misrata, Libya's third-largest city, and in the Nafusa mountains. Since the start of August, thousands of rebel fighters, including many who fled Gadhafi-held cities, joined an offensive launched from the mountains toward the coast.

The fighters who had set out from the mountains three weeks ago rushed toward Tripoli on Sunday, start out at dawn from a village just east of the coastal city of Zawiya. Only a day earlier had the rebels claimed full control of Zawiya, an anti-regime stronghold with 200,000 people and Libya's last functioning oil refinery.

Rebels said Saturday that they had launched their first attack on Tripoli in coordination with NATO and gunbattles and mortar rounds rocked the city. NATO aircraft also made heavier than usual bombing runs after nightfall, with loud explosions booming across the city.

On Sunday, more heavy machine gun fire and explosions rang out across the capital with more clashes and protests.

Government minders in a hotel where foreign journalists have been staying in Tripoli armed themselves on Sunday in anticipation of a rebel take over. The hotel manager said he had received calls from angry rebels threatening to charge the hotel to capture the government's spokesman, Moussa Ibrahim.

Heavy gun fire was heard in the neighborhood around the Rixos hotel, and smoke was seen rising from a close by building.

"We are scared and staying in our houses, but the younger boys are going out to protect our homes," said a woman who spoke to The Associated Press by telephone from the pro-rebel Tripoli neighborhood of Bin Ashour. She spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal. She said a neighbor's son was shot dead on Saturday night by Gadhafi troops as he tried to protect his street with a group of rebel youth.

Nuri al-Zawi, another resident of Bin Ashour, told the AP by phone that the rebels were using light arms to protect their streets, and in some cases were using only their bodies to fend off the Gadhafi troops riding in pickup trucks.

"We are used to this situation now. We are a city that is cut off from the world now," he said.

The residents reported clashes in neighborhoods all over Tripoli as well as the city's Mitiga military airport. They said they heard loud explosions and exchanges in of gunfire in the Fashloum, Tajoura and Bin Ashour neighborhoods.

Residents and opposition fighters also reported large anti-regime protests in those same neighborhoods. In some of them, thousands braved the bullets of snipers perched atop high buildings.


Laub and Hubbard reported from Janzour, Libya. Hadeel Al-Shalchi in Cairo contributed to this report.


Solution for nerds

Parents hate

How to do magic with candles

miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2011

Honeymoon with horror: a shark ate her boyfriend in the sea

A British man 30 years called Ian Martin Redmond, died after a shark tore off his arm and bit him hip, chest and leg while swimming off the coast of the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean.

Redmond and his wife Gemma Houghton chose to spend their honeymoon on the island of Praslin in the republic of Seychelles, a paradise that became the scene of a horror movie.

The new husband did snorkel yards from shore when a shark tore off his arm and bit her hip, chest and leg. While some fishermen rescued him, Redmond died bleeding on the beach.

This is not the first attack in the region since two weeks ago there was a similar episode that killed a Frenchman in 36 years. For this reason, the government of the Seychelles issued a ban on bathing in the area and is currently looking for the shark.

"We were surprised by what happened two weeks ago. Never before had reported shark attacks in the area," said police spokesman in the archipelago.

Eternit wants to censor Greenpeace

Durlock, one of the firms belonging to conglomerates Etex Group, initiated and managed a precautionary injunction to silence Greenpeace, who publicly denounced the group's brands because of the Belgian Etex group's refusal to clean up an illegal toxic waste deposit.

Greenpeace's complaint is silenced by an injunction.
The court as mute Greenpeace campaign is the result of the environmental public place in recent months, exposing the firm Eternit to warn of the improper conduct of this company and the urgent demand safe disposal of waste asbestos , existing in a property of this firm, located in the Matanza Riachuelo.

"Instead of a serious commitment to remedy the site and eliminate risk generated by asbestos, a highly toxic substance, a group of firms Etex starts an injunction to silence us. In our interpretation Etex group as a whole, is responsible for ending the pollution resulting from illegal disposal of hazardous waste "Bilbao said Consuelo Creek Campaign Coordinator.

The environmental group reported in February, the presence of proven carcinogenic substance, without any security measure, above and below the surface of a property firm owned by Eternit SA, in the town of Gonzalez Catan. Asbestos is a highly dangerous substance, banned in Argentina since 2003 and in 52 other countries, due to its proven harmful effects on human health.

According to the report "Waste of asbestos in the Matanza Riachuelo" (1), presented by environmentalists, samples were taken large chunks of cement that are on the surface of the property, as well as the debris found in a random excavation, as well as soil samples. The results showed the presence of asbestos (asbestos) both surface and underground. "After our complaint to the polluter group, Eternit only cosmetic work done on the farm (he changed his booth, change of perimeter fencing, no trespassing signs), but has not implemented any security measure to prevent pollution of asbestos further spread, "said Felix Cariboni Creek member of the Campaign.

"Greenpeace" nori cenzūruoti Eternit

Durlock, viena iš įmonių, priklausančių konglomeratų Etex grupė, inicijuoti ir valdomi atsargumo įsakymą į tylą "Greenpeace", kuri viešai pasmerkė grupės prekinių ženklų, nes Belgijos Etex grupės atsisakymą išvalyti nelegalių toksinių atliekų deponavimo.

"Greenpeace" skundas yra nutildyti įsakymą.
Kaip nutildyti "Greenpeace" kampanija teismas yra aplinkos viešoje vietoje pastarųjų mėnesių rezultatas, atskleisti įmonės Eternit perspėti apie netinkamo elgesio ši bendrovė ir skubaus poreikio saugaus šalinimo asbesto , esančių šio įmonė, įsikūrusi matanza Riachuelo nuosavybė.

"Užuot rimtą įsipareigojimą pašalinti svetainę ir pašalinti rizikos generuoja asbesto, labai toksiška medžiaga, įmonių grupė Etex prasideda draudimas nutildyti mus. Mūsų aiškinimo Etex grupė kaip visuma, yra atsakingas už baigėsi taršą, kurią sukelia nelegalių pavojingų atliekų šalinimo "Bilbao sakė Consuelo Creek kampanijos koordinatorius.

Aplinkosaugos grupė pranešė vasario mėnesį, įrodyta kancerogeninės medžiagos buvimas, be jokių saugumo priemonė, virš ir žemiau nuosavybės įmonė valdo Eternit SA, nuo Gonzalez Catan miesto paviršiaus. Asbestas yra labai pavojinga medžiaga, uždrausta Argentinoje, nuo 2003 m. ir 52 kitose šalyse, nes jos pasirodė žalingą poveikį žmonių sveikatai.

Pasak pranešimo "atliekos asbesto matanza Riachuelo" (1), pateikė aplinkosaugininkai, buvo paimti mėginiai milžiniškas cemento, kurie dėl nuosavybės paviršiaus, taip pat nuolaužų rasti atsitiktinių kasimo, taip pat dirvožemio mėginius. Rezultatai parodė, asbesto (asbestas) buvimas ir antžeminės ir požeminės. "Po mūsų skunde" teršėjas grupė, Eternit tik kosmetikos darbą ūkyje (jis pakeitė savo stendą, keisti perimetro tvoros, ne piktnaudžiauti ženklai), tačiau neįgyvendino jokių saugumo priemonė, siekiant išvengti taršos asbestu plisti, "sakė Feliksas Cariboni Creek narys kampaniją.

Greenpeace nahi zentsura Eternit

Durlock, enpresak behar konglomeratuen Etex Taldeko kide bat da, hasiera eta lortu zuhurtzia Munain Greenpeace, publikoki salatu duten taldearen marka delako Belgikako Etex taldearen aurka garbitu bat legez kanpoko hondakin toxikoak gordailua isilarazteko.

Greenpeace-en salaketa bat da Munain by isilik.
Greenpeace isilarazteko kanpaina gisa Auzitegia azken hilabeteetan ingurumenaren leku publikoetan emaitza da, sendoa erakusteko Eternit da enpresa honen bidegabeko portaera eta premiazko eskaera hondakin amiantoa eskura seguruaren ohartarazten , enpresa honetan, Matanza Riachuelo kokatutako jabetza bat dauden.

"Ordez konpromisoa larria Gunean konpontzeko eta arrisku amiantoa, oso substantzia toxikoak sortutako ezabatzea da, enpresa talde bat Etex Munain gutako isiltasuna hasten. Gure interpretazioa Etex osotasunean taldean, kutsadura da hondakin arriskutsuen legez kanpoko esku ondorioz itxitako ardura "Bilbao esan Consuelo Creek kanpaina koordinatzailea.

Otsailaren carcinogenic frogatu substantzia presentzia salatu, segurtasun neurri gabe, eta, batez ere beheko Eternit SA jabetzakoa Gonzalez Catan en la localidad de higiezinen enpresa baten gainazalean ingurumen taldea. Amiantoa oso substantzia arriskutsuak, Argentina debekatuta 2003tik eta 52 herrialdetako beste, bere giza osasunean ondorio kaltegarriak direla frogatu da.

Da txostena (1), ekologistak aurkeztutako "La Matanza en Riachuelo amiantoa Hondakinen" arabera, laginak hartu handiko zementua duten ondasunen gainean dira zatitan, baita hondakinak aurkitu ditu ausazko indusketa, baita lurzoruaren laginak. Emaitzak zuten amiantoa (amiantoa) presentzia bai azalera eta metroa. "Gure kutsatzen talde kexa ondoren, kosmetika Eternit bakarrik lan baserria (bere kabina, perimetro itxiturak aldatzea, seinaleak ez trespassing aldatu zuen) egin, baina ez ditu segurtasun neurri edozein inplementatu amiantoa kutsadura saihesteko gehiago zabaltzeko ", esan zuen Felix Cariboni Creek kanpaina kidea.

غرينبيس يريد الرقيب إيترنيت

Durlock ، إحدى الشركات التابعة لمجموعة Etex التكتلات ، بدأت وإدارتها على أمر احترازي لإسكات السلام الأخضر ، الذين استنكروا علنا ​​علامات المجموعة بسبب رفض الحركة Etex البلجيكي لتنظيف ودائع غير مشروعة من النفايات السامة.

وتصمت غرينبيس شكوى من قبل أمر قضائي.
المحكمة بانها حملة غرينبيس كتم هو نتيجة للوضع البيئي العام في الأشهر الأخيرة ، ويعرض إيترنيت شركة للتحذير من سلوك غير لائق لهذه الشركة والتخلص الآمن من مطلبا ملحا نفايات الاسبست ، الموجودة في ممتلكات هذه الشركة ، التي تقع في Riachuelo Matanza.

واضاف "بدلا من التزام جاد لمعالجة والقضاء على خطر موقع أنشأه الاسبستوس ، وهي مادة شديدة السمية ، وهي مجموعة من الشركات Etex يبدأ أمر قضائي لإسكات لنا. لدينا فريق في تفسير Etex ككل ، هي المسؤولة عن وضع حد للتلوث الناجم عن التخلص غير المشروع للنفايات الخطرة "وقال منسق الحملة بلباو كونسويلو الخور.

وأفادت جماعة مدافعة عن البيئة في فبراير الماضي ، وجود مادة مسرطنة ثبت ، من دون أي إجراءات أمنية ، فوق وتحت سطح شركة عقارية يملكها SA إيترنيت ، في بلدة القمر غونزاليس. الاسبستوس هو مادة شديدة الخطورة ، المحظورة في الأرجنتين منذ عام 2003 والأخرى في 52 بلدا ، وذلك بسبب آثاره الضارة على صحة الإنسان ثبت.

وفقا "لنفايات الأسبست في Riachuelo Matanza" تقرير (1) ، التي قدمها دعاة حماية البيئة ، وأخذت عينات قطع كبيرة من الاسمنت الموجودة على سطح العقار ، فضلا عن الحطام الذي عثر عليه في الحفر العشوائي ، فضلا عن عينات من التربة. وأظهرت النتائج وجود الأسبستوس (الاسبستوس) على حد سواء المياه السطحية والجوفية. واضاف "بعد الشكوى التي نبذلها لمجموعة الملوث ، إيترنيت تعمل فقط التجميل عمله في المزرعة (كان تغيير كابينته ، وتغير من الأسيجة ، أي علامات التعدي على ممتلكات الغير) ، ولكن لم ينفذ أي تدبير أمني لمنع التلوث من الأسبست زيادة انتشار "، وقال فيليكس عضو كريك كاريبوني للحملة.

Greenpeace wil censor Eternit

Durlock, een van die maatskappye wat deel uitmaak van konglomerate Etex Group, geïnisieer en daarin geslaag om 'n voorkomende opdrag Greenpeace, wat in die openbaar die groep se handelsmerke aan die kaak gestel as gevolg van die Belgiese Etex groep se weiering om skoon te maak' n onwettige giftige afval deposito stil te maak.

Greenpeace se klagte is stilgemaak deur 'n bevel.
Die hof het soos stom Greenpeace veldtog is die resultaat van die omgewing openbare plek in die afgelope maande, waarna die firma Eternit te waarsku van die onbehoorlike gedrag van die maatskappy en die dringende vraag na veilige wegdoening van afval asbes , bestaande in 'n eienskap van hierdie firma, geleë in die Matanza Riachuelo.

"In plaas van 'n ernstige toewyding om die webwerf te stel en uit te skakel risiko gegenereer deur asbes,' n hoogs giftige stof, 'n groep van maatskappye Etex begin' n bevel om ons stil te maak. In ons interpretasie Etex groep as 'n geheel, is verantwoordelik vir die beëindiging van die besoedeling as gevolg van onwettige verwydering van gevaarlike afval "Bilbao gesê Consuelo Creek veldtog koördineerder.

Die omgewing groep het in Februarie, is die teenwoordigheid van bewese karsinogeniese stof, sonder enige sekuriteit meet, bo en onder die oppervlak van 'n eiendom firma besit deur Eternit SA, in die gemeente van Gonzalez Catan. Asbestos is 'n baie gevaarlike stof, verbode in Argentinië sedert 2003 en in 52 ander lande, as gevolg van sy bewese nadelige uitwerking op die menslike gesondheid.

Volgens die verslag "Waste van asbes in die Matanza Riachuelo" (1), aangebied deur omgewingsbewustes, is monsters wat geneem is groot stukke van die sement wat op die oppervlak van die eiendom, sowel as die puin gevind in 'n random uitgrawing, asook grondmonsters. Die resultate het getoon die teenwoordigheid van asbes (asbes) sowel oppervlak-en ondergrondse water. "Na ons klagte by die besoedelaar groep, Eternit net kosmetiese werk wat gedoen is op die plaas (hy het sy stand, verandering van omheining, geen betreding tekens), maar het nog nie geïmplementeer enige veiligheidsmaatreël besoedeling van asbes om te verhoed dat verder versprei, "het Felix Cariboni Creek lid van die veldtog.