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miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

I couldn't help myself

viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

Simpson censored in Switzerland

It is not the first time that The Simpsons are censored somewhere in the world, but it is a special occasion: the authorities of a channel of Switzerland ordered not to issue the chapters of the animated series where Homer causes problems in the nuclear power where worked for more 20 years.

Chain managers Germany - Switzerland SRF ordered not to issue the chapters of The Simpsons where Homer causes disasters and nuclear accidents at the plant Mr. Burns because the public can still sensitive after radiation leaks at the plant in Fukushima , Japan.

"Think, think, concentrate, "he says to himself, Homer J. Simpson prior to ta - te-you to press the button, oh, by chance, manages to save the day and the city of Springfield. But in light of what happened in Japan after the earthquake followed by tsunami that hit the island, the public mood may have been somewhat sensitive.

"We decided on a case by case basis. If, for example, in a chapter operate the plant, its emissions would surely be unwelcome, " announced the directors of SRF, as the leading Spanish daily ABC. And of course, is a bad time for jokes.



链经理德国 -瑞士战略成果框架命令不得发行本章节在荷马辛普森在工厂造成伯恩斯先生,因为灾害和核事故后,市民仍可以在福岛工厂辐射泄漏敏感,日本。



Simpson censureras i Schweiz

Det är inte första gången som The Simpsons censureras någonstans i världen, men det är ett speciellt tillfälle: myndigheterna i en kanal i Schweiz order om att inte utfärda kapitlen i den animerade serien där Homer skapar problem i kärnkraftverket där arbetat i över 20 år.

Chain chefer Tyskland - Schweiz SRF order om att inte utfärda kapitel i The Simpsons där Homer orsakar katastrofer och kärnkraftsolyckor vid anläggningen Mr Burns, eftersom allmänheten kan fortfarande känslig efter strålning läcker vid fabriken i Fukushima , Japan.

"Tänk, tänk, koncentrera sig, säger han till sig själv, Homer J. Simpson före TA - te-du trycker på knappen, oh, av en slump, lyckas rädda dagen och staden Springfield. Men i ljuset av vad som hände i Japan efter jordbävningen följt av tsunamin som drabbade ön, kan allmänheten stämningen har varit något känsligt.

"Vi beslutas från fall till fall. Om till exempel, i ett kapitel driva anläggningen, skulle utsläppen säkert vara ovälkommen," meddelade ledningen för SRF, som den ledande spanska dagstidningen ABC. Och naturligtvis är en dålig tid för skämt.

Which countries are least vulnerable to natural disaster?

Probably Estonia, Qatar, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, and Andorra

If you want to know more go to Slate 

viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011

Argentina leads the UN to protest against England for Malvinas

The Argentine ambassador to the United Nations, Jorge Arguello, confirmed that presented to the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-Moon, a copy of the verbal note of protest that our country had come to London via the British ambassador in Buenos Aires, which accuses Britain of failing to comply with UN resolutions imposed on the territory of the Falkland Islands.

In talking with Télam from New York, Arguello said that "we will request the Secretary-General (UN) to distribute among the members of the organization a copy of the protest, to reflect this new violation of UN resolutions united. "

"And we will insist on the task and gave it the right of the UN general assembly, which is to carry forward the good offices aimed at the opening of the bilateral negotiation on sovereignty," the diplomat added.

Asked what the UN resolutions that Britain is failing, Arguello said "there are several decisions that have been dragging on for decades, year after year and say Britain can not refuse to negotiate diplomatically the sovereignty of islands. " "And you can not unilaterally grant permits for fishing in the waters of conflict, can not exploit minerals or oil in disputed territory, and missile exercises in the conflict areas," said the ambassador.

The official concluded by saying that "the substance of the matter is being stripped every year by President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner to the General Assembly of the United Nations: it is imperative to democratize the UN and eliminate the right of veto within the Council security, which allows five countries, including Britain, so he decides to veto the rest of the international community. "

domingo, 13 de marzo de 2011

The most chilling video of the Tsunami hitting the coast of Japan

That's pretty intense. Take in count that the mountain in the background wasnt a massive wave.

At 45 seconds you see people driving their cars, going about their daily work. They are completely unaware of what is happening 2 blocks away and they are about to die...

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011

South Project commitment to equity and denounces Macri

Block representatives presented the project "Participation equivalent of genres" that aims "to establish equivalence between men and women in Buenos Aires ready for elections." In addition, Julio Raffo said they made a complaint against Mauricio Macri, for "breach of duty of public officials" in relation to the call for elections in June.

By Jim Alcaraz

After the celebration of the International Women's Day on Tuesday, lawmakers this afternoon block South Project, accompanied by the deputy and candidate for head of government, Claudio Lozano, Deputy Cecilia "Cheche" Merchán and representatives of South Free presented the draft law "gender equal participation," which aims to establish the equivalence of men and women for the nomination of the candidates in City elections.

The meeting began on time, and the first to speak was Laura García Tuñón lawmaker, who said that although the party and met the percentages ", is" necessary "to regulate.

"Last time we present several initiatives related to women's role and actions relating to public employment, which were vetoed by the executive in January, shot the deputy. And he added: "There is motherly in which women have no access to decent work."

Then referred to the draft submitted by Diana Maffia (CC) on the decriminalization of abortion and said that since South Project "accompany the initiative."

In turn, Maria America Gonzalez explained that it is "necessary" a project to give recognition to women's rights, and even more important is shaping it.

About it, said the deputy Merchán level of equity that must be achieved at national level too, not just in the legislature, but also in the Executive and Judicial.

Subsequently, the national representative referred to "the uncertainty of machismo" and the way in which men are from using violence as a tool for gender, which in 2010 showed a balance of "260 women died."

For his part, Lozano said, "should be put in system reform policy of the City" and should be pursued "greater democratization of the important issues that women have a growing presence in the institutions."

In separate dialog with journalists present, the candidate for head of government referred to the local elections and explained that even "is not defined" formula. What I made clear was that "they will try to form a front as broad as possible" and to this end has already launched talks with sections of the Left, Socialists, as well as with former Health Minister Graciela Ocana .

Finally, Vilma Ripoll explained that the said draft will have no equity any acceptance in the field of "bipartisanship." He indicated that the abortion issue will not be debated in Congress "because Cristina is not allowed to do in an election year, not least because you do not agree with legalizing it."


The legislature in July Raffo reported that on Wednesday he and other legislators brought to justice a criminal complaint against the head of Government of Buenos Aires, Mauricio Macri, for "breach of duty of public officials."

In this connection, explained that the Chief Executive is obliged to call elections for next June 5 and still did not. "It's going to have to get used to comply with the law," he concluded Raffo.

Source Noticias Urbanas

martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

No... please no (WTF)

After the scandal, Warner fired Charlie Sheen

Warner announced that the decision is final. To defend against the charges, the actor of "Two and Half Men" launched its own online program that in two days he received more than two million hits.

After continued partying with drugs and alcohol, multiple hospitalizations and a bitter campaign in the media against their leaders, finally, Warner Bros. dismissed the actor from one of the most successful comedies on U.S. television, Two and a Half Men.

Warner Bros., responsible for producing the series released by CBS, said in a press release that the decision was made after "careful consideration.''

"Still not decided on the future of comedy without its star," said Paul Maguire, a spokesman for Warner Bros.

The actor's lawyer, Marty Singer, told The Hollywood Reporter "who plan to sue Warner Bros. over the dismissal of his client. "It's about time. It could be this week or at a time, we are not in a hurry, but we demand," he said.

For several days, the actor's 45 years worth of television, radio and social networks to express their ideas widely and discomfort over the decision of the producers of the series.

In a text message sent to The Associated Press, Sheen replied with an insult and the phrase "they lost", followed by the word "gnomes".

Asked if he plans to sue, Sheen said "big,''and when asked what his next step, the actor said:" big one.''

The Sheen's messy personal life was that producers should stop the production of the show this season. The dismissal ended a rare public battle between Hollywood actors, in which Sheen said he has the right to live as he pleases, including her use of illegal drugs.

But the actor was not quiet. The weekend launched over the Internet its own program. "Sheen's Korner" was in just two days over two million visits.

From your camera, Sheen was one of his tattoos, while smoking and tried several parodies. The actor also said he would use his room to read his own sermons in which he would tell the truth like "torpedoes."

The series Two and a Half Men, released in 2003, had as its main character Charlie Harper (Sheen) as a womanizing bachelor who lives a family life with her neurotic brother, divorced Alan (played by Jon Cryer) and his son it, Jake (Angus T. Jones).
The Warner and CBS television network had already been forced to suspend the participation of Sheen in the series when he underwent rehab for addiction and two scandalous divorce from his second wife (Denise Richards) and third (Brooke Mueller Sheen).

Last month, Warner canceled the last eight episodes of the series, whose most recent season consisted of 24 chapters, disagree with the public conduct of Sheen and his criticism of executive producer Chuck Lorre.

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011

sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011

The Real Shakira (video)

This Chilean chubby is the real Shakira